I visited my mom in her new assisted living apartment and she was really upset about not being able to find her charm bracelet. She was worried it had been stolen and full of anxiety that her new living arrangements may have been a bad move. She was sure it was stolen because my big brother had been there earlier in the day and turned the place upside down looking for it for her. I was sure it was only lost as the story she told about its disappearance didn’t make sense. We went to dinner and I was able to finally get her mind off of the darn bracelet. When we got back to her apartment I decided to search for it in hopes that I would see what my brother had missed. As I searched I came across a bunch of really cool stuff and pictures, but nothing as cool as these old Ocean City beach picture scopes from when I was little. One from when I was really little at the 94th Street condo we always rented before we got our house in Ocean Pines and the other from near our beach stand after Karen was gone. I was wondering out loud to my family about how I would like to post about them, but didn’t know how I could blowup the pictures. My ten year old, Mary, said she could do it and look at these incredible pictures she took through the scopes.
This post has a happy ending because in the last possible place I could look I found the bracelet. This made me feel not so guilty about taking the scopes and more comfortable about leaving my mom and heading home the next day.