Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Senior Day and Miami University Graduation 1988

Senior Day at Miami 1988
Don't have much to say, don't remember much about this day. 31 years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long. My dad looks really happy. 

Graduation from Miami University 1988
Big J probably took this picture. Again I wish I remembered more from this day, but a lot of my Miami memories are like that. Love and honor to Miami. Blessed by the education, but still haunted a little by the experience.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Marine August 1947, Merchant Marine June 1945. At home with mom in ‘46!

This Marine Corps. picture of my dad from August 1947 is amazing. . This is one year prior to enrolling at University of Maryland. He is twenty years old, a Marine, just after the war.
This Maritime Marine picture is from June 1945.

This picture of my dad with his mom is from October 1946.