Remember that handshake we used to do. That pop we would get when we started it just right. Omg in mind I just heard and am overwhelmed with emotion as I try a write this. Tears are streaming down into my CPAP mask. I’m such a mess sometimes Dad. I think these a tears of joy, feels like they are. So grateful for memories like this one. So grateful we had so many of them. Mary and I are doing the up high down low one and we have a pretty cool one we came up with on a chairlift a fews year back. I’m going to see if her and can recreate that pop - not sure it’s possible, but trying to will be fun enough. Worth the effort if someday she has a loving moment of rememberance I am experiencing right now. Well the emotion has settled back down, but my glasses are all foggy and my beard is all wet and my mask is a little squishy. Fortunately it’s dark and Suzy’s asleep. Hard to believe your Biddy-buddy’s an old man now with grey beard and glasses. I don’t ever remember you ever having a beard, ever, well it’s actually pretty cool. You might not even recognize me if you saw me now, that would be a hoot, anyway, it’s been nice visiting with you. Not sure what the last couple posts were about. I think I got my mojo back. For now anyway. I love you Dad. I’ll call you later.