Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It is a mystery

On New Years Eve I took my daughter to Citimarket and when we got home Tyler, our Golden got out and ran across the street and was barking at the neighbors dogs through their fence. I dropped the groceries ran over and twisted my ankle on the edge of their drive way. I heard a pop but I didn't go down all the way. I grabbed Tyler by the collar and dragged him limpping back to our house. Suzy came out and grabbed the dogs and groceries and I sat on my driveway until the really bad pain went away. I iced my ankle for about half an hour and then realized I didn't have my wallet or Blackberry. I traced my steps from the grociery store to the ankle twist, twice. Nothing. I lost my wallet and phone. I looked everywhere for two days, nonstop and finally gave in and started replacing everything.

Twenty days latter Neil and June, next door neighbors to the dog barking ankle twisting neighbors across the street. Earlier that day June had found my wallet and phone laying in their yard. Twenty days latter, right where they would have been plainly seen, my phone and wallet are untouched by weather or cold or whatever we've had here in Fruita over the last 20 days in January.

Thank you for the mystery and the lesson. Sometimes no matter how hard you look you might not find what your looking for. Also stuff can be replaced except for the youth in my previous drivers liecense from twelve years ago. I don't know who the guy is on my new DL but man he looks old.

Since I was on vacation and my girls where home from school all of this went down under the view of eight feminine eyes. My wife and three daughters had to put up me pacing around like a gorrilla looking in all the same places over and over again. Growling and moaning and feeling sorry for myself. Just call me Dumb Dumb DaddyYo!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man has to believe in most...

I did not do Robert Duval justice in my last post. He gives wise old uncle advice that's worth checking out.

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man has to believe in most. That people are basically good That honor, courage and virtue mean everything. That power and money money and power means nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this that love, true love never dies. Remember that boy. You remember that whether they are true or not a man should believe in those things because those are the things believing in."

Second Hand Lions 
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Second Hand Lions

On a previous post Big J recomened Kunf Fu Panda 2. Shortly before leaving his place he gave me Second Hand Lions for the girls to watch on our way home, 5 hours through the Rockies. They watched in the back seat and I only listened while driving, but what a great movie to listen too, chuck full of fatherly advice to the seekers of manhood. In this blog I have shared a lot; the awsomeness of Kung Fu's Po (The Dragon Warrior), my own health problems, advice from my father, woodbox wisdom, dumb dumb daddyos and among other things, what it was like growing up the son of a Champion.

If this blog has become anything it has become a collection of fatherly advice.

It has been weeks since listening to Second Hand Lions and lines from that movie keep coming back to me. One it has taken me this long to start to get. The heroic Uncle is talking to his Nephew with no intention of verifying any of the wild stories told about him (from the voice it has to be the, "Smells like victory..." guy from Apocalypse Now).

"The things you need to believe in most are the things that may be untrue."
Heroic Uncle, Second Hand Lions

For me, God, Jesus, Love, my memories, my destiny...