Sunday, August 11, 2019

My dad’s ring

I have been wearing my Dad’s ring all weekend. When I wear it I remember to be grateful for having had a dad who has left such an impression on me. I had a really cool dad.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dear God

Thank You. I Love You. I am begining to know You. You have never left me. You will never leave me. You will always welcome me home. You have forgiven me. Protect me. Inspire me. Love me. You know me. I am a miricle. We are all miricles. I am so grateful for my family. Help  me love them as You Love us. Give me strength, wisdom and courage to seek Thy Will. Help me see Thy signs. Help me hear Thy Voice. Help me listen. Help me live a wonderful life. I praise Thee. Worship Thee. Believe in Thee. There is none other god but Thee. The help in peril. The Reason. Soften my heart. Sharpen my mind. Help me be present. Help me be mindful. Help me be useful. I pray to Thee in the name Emmanuel. Amen.