Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Hard

 Shortly after posting the it's not easy scrap from the Wood Box this sign appears on my wall. I believe in signs. There all around us if you look. Better yet, if I ask for signs they seem to slap me in the face. Usually with the opposite answer I was looking for. This all helped remember a daddyoism. Whenever I would whine or complain about how hard something was he always say,
"If it ain't hard it probably ain't worth doing!" Whatever dad.

What's been hard lately?: Parenting, work, school, church, ageing, exercising, loosing weight, controlling my temper, being optimistic and did I say work?
I don't think I ever heard my dad say I couldn't do anything. It was always you can do it biddy buddy, you can do it. My mom and dad told me I could do anything I could put my mind to and for a long while there everything I did was evidence of the contrary (like reading and writing and taking tests and emergency room visits and bed wetting and paying attention and being emotional). Through them I learned early I could do hard things and that they were worth doing. This list of things that are not easy, classic wood box wisdom and a reality check I sorely needed.

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