Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Woodbox Wisdom is True

My dad had a bunch of yoisms about the truth. "Ain't it the truth" I think was just a hold over from growing up in the south. "The truth is the truth" was one that always made me think he was an idiot. But the more I think about it the more I appreciate its genius. He once said just because we each have a different view of the truth doesn't mean we are a looking at different places. He'd say just because you can't see it don't make it untrue. He'd say if the truth hurts you'd better listen to it or if the truth hurts it's trying to tell you something important. He'd say if you always tell the truth you'll have a lot less to remember. He'd say lieing to yourself doesn't make you smarter it makes you a lire and a sucker. He'd say follow your heart, it knows the truth before you do. He'd say know your heart and you will know yourself. I think these last few get close to the meaning of this scrap of wood box wisdom.

I think finding a little bit of truth is like playing in the zone. When time has less meaning and the world falls away and you become what you are doing as this truth reveals itself. You become what you were meant to be. When you finally are doing what you were meant to do. Making the perfect shot, hitting the perfect drive, running the distance, soothing someones pain, calming some one's anxiety, healing, loving, being where you were meant to be when you were meant to be there, saying the right thing at the right moment in the right way, being there for the ones you love, being needed, being loved. 

OK I guess I've come off the tracks and ain't it the truth!  

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