Monday, November 12, 2018

Dear DDD

I did it Dad. I wrote and published your book. Hope you like it. I think I’ve been avoiding this post because I knew it wouldn’t be easy. I’m crying. Literally crying as I write this, but that’s OK. Honestly, I cry all the time. Seems like more and more recently, but that’s OK. I laugh a lot too. Sometimes I cry because I’m so happy. So grateful. You are the toughest man I have ever known and you showed me it’s OK to cry. Essential actually.
Your book came from Amazon a couple days ago and I read it cover to cover. I cried a lot while reading it. One of the most surreal moments of my life. Lots of typos and things I would’ve done different, but none of that mattered. I was holding in my hands a dream I have had since you died. The imperfections made it perfect.
As I was struggling with the final edits before submitting to KDP my wife passed by my office door. I remember in frustration saying it’s so imperfect and she said, "Better done than perfect." As usual she was right. What is perfect anyway? Does it even exist? I think perfection is a myth, a ghost. A place I’ve never been and now realize, thank God, don’t have to be.
As I was laying here not sleeping and decided to write the book I’ve been thinking about for a long time. It’s fictional, but based on my real life personal experiences. It will be a combination of two of my blogs; and It’s about a poor slob who’s life was spiraling out of control. His health was failing and he was making terrible decisions trying to cope with his many debilitating symptoms. The worst party was that he was loosing his mind I wrote for two more hours and told you the whole story and this dumb blogger app I’m using lost it. Uhhhhhgggg... oh well, guess I’ll just have to write it for real. I’ll let you know when it’s done.
Love you Dad,

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