Sunday, August 12, 2012

as inclination leads

I was inclined to go back to school for my MBA. I have been tasked with so much reading that most of it has done me little good. What I have been tasked with the most and what appears to have done me great good is the task of writing. My online program is 13 six week courses and in each of these weeks a bare minimum is a 1,000 word paper and about a 1,000 words of online participation four out of seven days. That's 78 weeks, so we're talking over 156,000 words I was not otherwise inclined to write. This aspect of an online education I originally didn't comprehend. If I had done these calculations before I started I would have never thought it possible for me to to do what I am doing right now, writing myself a Masters degree.  My dad always used to tell me that the more you do something the easier it gets. Writing for me has never been easy, but it has sure gotten easier!

I am inclined to read Dean Koontz's latest Odd book, the Bible, this book Flourish that is on my bed side table as we speak, maybe a little Max Brand and anything else that I am NOT required to read. I look forward to having the time to read just as inclination leads and to write about those things for which I am inclined.

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